Happy Monday GOKI readers, this evening's post offers a unique twist from the other topics I have highlighted before.

This video covers the history of the "Intelligence" organization known as Mensa.
I recently read an article featuring the admittance of the 17 year old Crowley Quadruplets who have history by all four being accepted after passing the Mensa test.

Personally, I have considered taking this test, but as is typical, life gets in the way(or for all you East Coast folks, should I say SNOW!) and I have continuously put if off, well, here's hoping I will one day indeed follow through and see when I take this test, I'll keep you posted .

Happy Thursday GOKI Readers, excuse me, did I say "happy" on second thought, I should probably say "SORE". Why, you ask, because, like so many New Englanders, I spent the majority of the day shoveling snow, which in some parts were well over two feet!!
Well, enough about the weather and its effects, let me get to today's info video which is meant for all you folks that where glasses on a daily basis (myself included). This short video recommends certain sites to visit when you wish to purchase those spectacles online.

Happy Tuesday GOKI Readers, for today I'd like to show you another informative video of a rather unique attraction which I myself did not know existed and have never visited, but as the title of my blog states is good to know. This locale is the Neon Sign Museum in Las Vegas, you may call it the final resting place for a multitude of signage from a bygone era.

As I have mentioned in a previous post, Las Vegas does have other sites besides the casinos to visit, and I expect whenever I make another trip to Las Vegas I'll take a tour of this particular attraction.