Thoughtful Thursday GOKI Readers, I hope is well in your part of the world and the weather is fine.
As I mentioned yesterday, the "snowstorm" that passed by last night was not too bad, luckily I would venture to say less than two inches of snow and with the temperature rising into the 40's F. the snow pretty much melted today :)
So onto the next health tip for today.

March 24, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day

Practice Pilates

By emphasizing the importance of the mind/body connection in attaining physical fitness, Joseph Pilates married critical elements of Eastern and Western philosophies. Westerners approach health and fitness as a scientific function of maintaining and nurturing the body's muscles, bones, and circulatory and digestive systems. Eastern philosophies place much more importance on the development of mental and spiritual powers in the pursuit of pure health. Pilates is a conditioning program designed to work the whole body - including your brain - simultaneously and uniformly. Joseph Pilates created his exercises with the intention "that each muscle may cooperatively and loyally aid in the uniform development of all our muscles. Developing minor muscles naturally helps to strengthen major muscles". As a result, every muscle is developed in every movement.

As always, To Your Health!

P.S. I've located this video for you to have a better knowledge of what Pilates workout looks like.

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