Wise Wednesday GOKI Readers, let me apologize for the delay of this post, there have been quite a few computer glitches, or should I say program difficulties to contend with.Well hopefully this is behind me and I will be able to send this post without any further delays.
May 18, 2011 Brain Boost Tip Of The Day


According To Daniel G. Amen, MD in Making a Good Brain Great, it's far better to learn something new than to repeat the same activities. "The best mental exercise is acquiring new knowledge and doing things that you haven't done before...when the brain does something over and over, even a complicated task, it learns how to do it using less and less energy." Find a hobby that requires coordination between multiple brain regions, such as ballroom dancing, painting, or learning a musical instrument. Knitting, photography, woodworking, gardening, writing poetry, or anything that requires you to study something new will also stimulate your brain. Don't take the easy way out either; pick something that challenges you and then strive to do it well. All of these activities will strengthen and maintain mental acuity on a variety of levels.
As Always, To Your Health!
P.S.  Barring any further technical difficulties my next post will have an example of one of these "hobbies".
Thoughtful Tuesday GOKI Readers, I hope the sun is shining wherever you may be, sadly that is not the case here in the NorthEast, it's rain, rain, and did I mention more rain for the next few days, now I thought April was supposed to be the showery month, oh well, on the bright side, the grass and trees are soaking this all in.

May 17, 2011 Brain Boost Tip Of The Day


Dinner parties offer great opportunities to socialize and to discuss a wide range of topics in depth. Invite friends and acquaintances from all walks of life, and play your part as host or hostess by encouraging stimulating conversation. Bone up on your guests' professions and be ready to introduce controversial or exciting topics that will engage your mind-and those of your guests. Your guests and your brain will thank you for it.

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Here's a video about hosting a "Green" dinner party.
Mindful Monday GOKI Readers, here we are back at the start of a new work week, already we've reached the middle of this month, and before you know Summer will be upon us, my how time goes by.
Now for any new readers who may not be familiar with my daily posts, I would like you to know that I have been on a mission to give you information that is of some value to you in your daily lives; with that said, I am sharing these health tips courtesy of my desk calender titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power, written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, Ph.D., and Donna Raskin.

May 16, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


There are some vital differences between herbal remedies and drugs.   
Herbal Medicines                                 Conventional Drugs              
Are based on entire, whole plant       Based on isolated chemicals
Are made from natural substances    May be synthetic
Are created from the sun's energy     Unrelated to Nature's Cycle
Have few if any side effects                 Always Have Side Effects
Work slowly and subtly                        Work dramatically 
Enhance vitality                                     Deplete  vitality

                                   As Always, To Your Health!

                P.S.  Here's a video that discusses this same issue.
Sunny Saturday GOKI Readers, as the weekend is in full swing, I will keep this post brief.

May 14 & 15, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


Olives, long an essential part of the Mediterranean diet, are delicious, and their oil, high in monounsaturated fats, has recently hit the headlines because of its ability to reduce "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends the exclusive use of  olive oil for fat in the diet. Studies have shown that people who consume olive oil in preference to other fats have a lower incidence of heart disease.

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Check out this video about olives.
Friendly Friday GOKI Readers, I hope all is well and that your week has progressed as you've wanted and your weekend will be all you want it to be.

May 13, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


The base of the Food Guide Pyramid includes all foods made from grains, and these foods should form the base of a nutritious diet. According to the USDA, consuming at least 3 or more ounce-quivalents of whole grains per day can reduce the risk of several chronic diseases and may help with weight maintenance. Thus, intake of least 3 ounce-equivalents of whole grains per day is recommended by substituting whole grains for refined grains. At all calorie levels, all age groups should consume at least half the grains as whole grains to achieve the fiber recommendation.
All grain servings can be whole-grain; however, it is advisible to include some folate-fortified products, such as folate-fortified whole-grain cereals, in these whole grain choices.

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Here is a video about the benefits of eating whole grain foods. 
Thoughtful Thursday GOKI Readers, let me take a moment and go a lit off topic and say I'm shocked at the fact that James Durbin did not make the top three in American Idol.
When the top 12 hopefuls were chosen and I like so many viewers made my picks for the top three, I chose Jacob, Casey, and Scotty, with an outside chance by James; as the weeks have passed and two of my picks were voted off, James moved up and I honestly believed that he might become the next American Idol, sadly his journey on the show has ended, but I believe like so many former Idol contestants who did not win the title still have had successful careers, remember Clay Aiken, Jennifer Hudson, Daughtry, and Adam Lambert.   

May 12, 2011 Brain Boost Tip


In a study done by Salk Institute researcher Henriette van Praag and colleagues, a compound found in cocoa, epicatechin, combined with exercise, was found to promote functional changes in a part of the brain involved in the formation of learning and memory. Epicatechin, is one of a group of chemicals called flavanols, which have previously been shown to improve cardiovascular function and increase blood flow to the brain. Dr. van Praag's findings, published in the May 30, 2007 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience, suggest a diet rich in flavanoids could help reduce the effects of neurodegenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease or cognitive disorders related to aging.

As Always, To Your Health! 

P.S.  So here is a video about the health benefits of chocolate. 
Wise Wednesday GOKI Readers, as we reach the midway point of this week, my question is: Are you accomplishing all you wanted to at this point in time, workwise or lifewise? If per chance you are one of the few who has, do you have any wise tips to share with the other readers as to your work/life style?

May 11, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


The bottom line is that the less LDL you have, and the more HDL, or good cholesterol, you have, the lower your risk for heart disease. When it comes to trying to lower your LDL, food choices are key. A combination of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, regular physical activity, and a healthy weight can help you lower your total cholesterol as well as raise your HDL, lower your LDL, and lower your triglycerides. It is important to focus on your cholesterol intake as well as your saturated fat intake, which often occur together in foods. Cholesterol and most saturated fats come only from animal foods. Even though some foods of plant origin are high in fat or saturated fat, all plant foods are cholesterol free. Nuts, for example, are high in fat - mostly unsaturated fat - but are cholesterol free.

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Take a moment and check out this video about cholesterol.
Thoughtful Tuesday GOKI Readers, today, like everyday since March 1, I am sharing with you a tip for the day provided by my desk calender titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power, written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, Ph.D., and Donna Raskin.  

May 10, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


CoQ10 has been shown to be useful in abnormalities involving the heart's ability to contract and pump blood effectively, such as congestive heart failure and a number of heart muscle diseases. Coenzyme Q10 also appears to protect vitamin E, which helps prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad" cholesterol). It's believed that oxidized LDL can lead to plaque buildup, clogged arteries, and an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. CoQ10 may reduce the ability of blood to clot, thereby decreasing the chance of a blood clot getting stuck in a clogged artery and causing a heart attack or stroke. Other heart-related conditions for which CoQ10 supplementation show promise include hypertension and heart valve replacement. To bulk up on CoQ10 eat sardines, mackerel, nuts, organ meats, beef, broccoli, chicken, oranges, salmon, or trout.

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Here is a very informative video about CoQ10.
Mindful Monday GOKI Readers, and a belated Happy Mother's Day to any of my readers who are presently or soon to become (new) moms, this would include: Moms, Grandmoms, Great-Grandmoms, StepMoms, GodMoms (myself, included - twice over, 1 nephew, 1 niece), Foster Moms, and lastly, not to be considered sexist, Mr. Moms.
Although one day was set aside to remember and give thanks to our respective Moms, the truth is one day should not be the only day we remember; with the fragility of life ever present in the news, we should try our best to let these people know just how much they have inspired us, taught us, raised us, and provided for us; so that one day the cycle would continue for future generations.


May 9, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


Parsley is loaded with compounds that purify your blood and expel toxins from your body. It is also dense in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, iodine, iron, and chlorophyll. Actually, parsley has a higher vitamin C content than citrus, and thus an excellent ingredient to battle inflammation. It also contains certain volatile oils that have been shown to inhibit the formation of tumors, particularly in the lungs. Parsley is also rich in flavonoids known for their antioxidant activity and helps to prevent free radical damage to your body's cells. Parsley's dark green color provides needed oxygenating chlorophyll increasing the antioxidant capacity of your blood. The body parts most affected by the properties in parsley are the kidneys, bladder, stomach, liver and gall bladder.

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Take a look at this video about the benefits of parsley.
Sunny Saturday GOKI Readers, today's post is, as they say short and sweet.

May 7 & 8, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


A warm, lavender-scented is a great way to relax and unwind. It also promotes restful sleep. Lavender oil in a hot bath before bed and lavender on the pillow can be very relaxing.

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  So I ask you, what good is a relaxing bath without some relaxing music to soothe your soul?