Good Thursday GOKI Readers, today's post follows the on-going
series of information concerning the health and wellness tips provided by the desk calender titled: 365 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power.

March 10, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day

Follow The USDA Food Guide Pyramid Guidelines

The Food Guide Pyramid gives the guidance you need to recognize what and how much to eat of each of five major food groups daily. Following the Food Guide Pyramid will help you keep your fat intake at recommended levels and help you consume all the essential nutrients that make up a healthy diet. The pyramid conveys three messages: variety, balance, and moderation. Eating a variety of foods ensures that you meet your nutritional requirements and also provides a much wider variety of nutrients to your diet. To eat in moderation, choose the number of servings that meet your calorie needs and limit the total mount of fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugar, and alcoholic beverages you consume. Don't forget that the tip of the pyramid is fat and sugar-you should limit them, not avoid them.

To Your Health!

Mindful Wednesday GOKI Readers, I wish everyone well and expect that all did not overly indulge yesterday, as today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten Season for all those of the Christian faith.
As I continue to share these helpful health tips I find on my desk calender, titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power, written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, PhD., and Donna Raskin.

March 9, 2011 Tip To Boost Your Brain Power

Cut Back On Brain Drains

Cut down on alcohol, sugar, aspartame sweetener, and MSG. They all interfere with brain function. Alcohol makes you dull; sugar makes you foggy; aspartame and MSG are brain "excitotoxins" and can lead to brain cell death.

As always, To Your Health!
Happy Tuesday GOKI Readers, or should I say "Fat Tuesday" better known as Mardi Gras for all you French speaking folk.
Today I bring you another bit of wellness info to "chew" on, so to speak as this day is given the nickname before mentioned as the last day to indulge, if not over indulge in food and drink on the eve of the start of the Lenten season.

March 8, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day

Eat Fish Low In Mercury Content

Fish is high in omega-3 oils so it's very healthy to eat fish, but some fish is higher in mercury content. The FDA and EPA recommend limited consumption of shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish because they contain high levels of mercury. they also recommend no more than 6 oz (170 g) per week of canned albacore ("white") tuna, tuna steaks, lobster, halibut, and orange roughy. The FDA also recommends that you eat no more than 12 oz (340 g) per week of fish and shellfish lower in mercury. This equates to two average 6 oz (170 g) meals. Examples of fish lower in mercury include shrimp, canned light tuna (not albacore tuna), salmon, pollock, catfish, cod, crab, flounder/sole, grouper, haddock, herring, lobster, mahi-mahi, and trout.

Once you have taken this information in, remember the famous saying your friends and neighbors in New Orleans live by: Let The Good Times Roll, as well as my own: To Your Health! 

Merry Monday GOKI Readers, I hope you all were able to enjoy your weekend.
As we begin a new workweek I am continuing my endeavor of sharing with you these health tips that are found in my desk calender titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power, written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, PhD. and Donna Raskin.

March 7, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day

Love Those Omegas

Preliminary research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids may decrease the risk of stroke and heart attack. Omega-3 fatty acids may also protest against arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms), the leading cause of death after heart attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids may provide protection by enhancing the stability of the heart cells and increasing their resistance to becoming overexcited. In the Physician's Health Study, those who ate fish just one to two times per week had a 40 percent reduction in sudden deaths from cardiac arrhythmias. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include dried butternuts, black walnuts, green, raw soybeans, sardines, lake trout, Chinook salmon, and cooked pinto beans.      

Have a great day and as always, To Your Health!
Happy Saturday GOKI Readers, the health tip I am sharing today is meant for both today as well as tomorrow, since as I have said in my previous posts I am posting the tips given in the desk calender titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power.

March 5 & 6,2011 Health Tip Of The Day

Sow Your Oats

Oats are a marvelous source of energy, and oat bran is an excellent fiber that can reduce serum cholesterol. An oat extract can be used to relieve indigestion (10 to 20 drops up to 3 times daily). Used in the bath, oats are soothing to the skin and calming to the psyche. 

Enjoy your weekend and To Your Health!
Good Friday GOKI Readers, I hope all is well wherever you may be in the world.
If you folks have been following along these past few days you are gaining some useful information on ways to boost your brain power, so without further ado, here is my latest tip, courtesy of : 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, PhD. and Donna Raskin.

March 4, 2011 Tip To Boost Your Brain Power

Try "KOLA" For Your Brain

Because the ancient herb gotu kola helps rebuild reserves, it has become known as "food for the brain". Supposed to increase mental and physical strength, combat stress, and improve reflexes, it is popular in the west as a nerve tonic. Recent studies have shown that it improves circulation by increasing the flow of blood throughout the body and strenthening veins and capillaries. It is typically taken in capsule form or as an extract; follow the label's directions. Pregnant women should not use this herb, nor should anyone with an overactive thyroid condition. 

So until tomorrow, To Your Health!
Merry Wednesday GOKI Readers, as I mentioned in my earlier posts this week, I will post my daily health tip to boost your brain power.
Also I am sharing these tips courtesy of the calender I bought last month, appropriately titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power, written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, PhD. and Donna Raskin.

March 3, 2011 Tip To Boost Your Brain Power

Eat Blueberries

In a Newsweek article dated June 17,2002, neuroscientist James Joseph, of Tufts University, made it clear that when it comes to brain protection, there's nothing quite like blueberries, which he calls the "brain berry". Dr. Joseph attributes its health benefits to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds and sees its potential for reversing short-term memory loss and forestalling many other effects of aging. The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends eating blueberries because they are " one of the best sources of antioxidants, substances that can slow the aging process and reduce cell damage that can lead to cancer". By eating only half a cup of fresh or frozen blueberries a day you can receive their antioxidant protection and benefit from their anti-aging properties. When out of season buy them frozen to have in a smoothie or mixed with yogurt and walnuts as a delicious snack.

I hope all my readers enjoy these tips and will be able to use at least one of them in their own lives and share them with anyone, be it family, friend and coworker(s) that they believe may benefit from this information.

To Your Health!!
Good Wednesday GOKI Readers, as promised yesterday I would like to share another way to boost your brain power.

Just in case you missed my post yesterday, look below and note these ways are found in a calender I picked up last month, titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power
written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, PhD. and Donna Raskin 

March 2 Tip To Boost Your Brain Power

Consider Riboflavin To Combat Migraines

Preliminary research indicates that taking a high dose of riboflavin (400 milligrams) every day may help prevent migraine headaches. Researchers caution that you need to make sure that your headaches are true migraines, and that it works best if you have migraines at least twice a month. For those with diagnosed migraines, supplementing with riboflavin might be worth a try. Most riboflavin supplements contain no more than 100 milligrams per tablet, so you'll need a prescription to get one that contains 400 milligrams. Talk to your doctor before treating your migraines with riboflavin supplements.  
Merry Tuesday GOKI Readers, for today's post I want to share with you ways to boost your brain power, 365 ways to be exact, one a day each day for a year, oh my!

Now like so many individuals around Christmas time that are searching for calenders to give as gifts, I actually located this particular one, you may have seen them, come in a box and are usually meant for your desk to be accessible while you are working.
Well, long story short, I purchased this one last month, would you believe for one dollar, wow! The shop was closing, it was a seasonal business, unlike so many other businesses that have closed due to the economy, but alas, that would be a post for another day.
Therefore, as I had said before I will post these tips on a daily basis, I also wanted to let you know that these tips came from three individuals who actually are credited on the calender, they are: Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valetine Dmitriev, Ph.D, and Donna Raskin

March 1, 2011  Tip To Boost Your Brain Power

Bulk Up With Fiber

Nutritionally speaking, fiber is the indigestible part of the food we eat - the stuff that passes through our digestive system relatively quickly and intact, such as the bran in grain, the pulp in fruit, and the skin of certain vegetables such as corn. By traveling so quickly, it also rushes other foods through our system, giving cancer-causing compounds less time to do their dirty work. It is also believed that fiber dilutes potential carcinogens, reducing their ability to do harm. And fiber also promotes healthy digestion by stimulating the action of beneficial bacteria.
I hope you readers will enjoy these tips and come back to my blog to check what new way(s) to boost your brain power and if you like the information you find , go ahead and share it with your family and friends!