Wise Wednesday GOKI Readers, How is your week progressing? Getting a lot of work done, watching your favorites on DWTS, or did you check out the premiere of "The Voice"? Myself, I missed this new show, although I will probably check it out on Hulu. For those of you who may have watched it, was it any good? Were the singers "better" than on American Idol? Well, if you wish you can share your thoughts on that subject below, but now onto the topic of the day.

April 27, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


Don't ever self-prescribe without a professional diagnosis. Even healthy adults should always consult their physician before taking herbs for medicinal purposes. Never discontinue conventional treatment or use any herbs in conjunction with it without the approval of your medical advisor.

Caution: Although many herbs can safely be given to children, always check with a qualified pediatrician before administering herbal remedies to a child. Ditto for pregnant women-never take herbal preparations without consulting your obstetrician. 

As Always, To Your Health!  
Thoughtful Tuesday GOKI Readers, another day another tip.

April 26, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, nestle in the core of the pumpkin encased in a white yellow husk. This super seed contains a number of minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorous, along with proteins, monounsaturated fat, and the omega fatty acids 3 and 6. Today the super powers of pumpkin seeds have been found to help prevent prostrate cancer in men, protect against heart disease, and also have anti-inflammatory benefits. 

As Always, To Your Health! 
Mindful Monday GOKI Readers, today I am continuing with my mission to offer you one tip a day, these tips being acquired from my desk calender titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power, written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, Ph.D., and Donna Raskin.

April 25, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


Chloride is another electrolyte that works closely with potassium and sodium. Chloride also helps regulate body fluids in and out of body cells. Chloride joins sodium in surrounding the fluids outside the cells. This mineral is a component of stomach acid that helps with the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients. Chloride also helps to transmit nerve impulses. As stated earlier, many salt substitiutes also contain chloride in the form of potassium chloride. Deficiencies are rare.

As Always, To Your Health!

Happy Easter Sunday GOKI Readers, I hope and pray all is well wherever you may be today, and should you be celebrating the religious holiday today, that is truly is a happy, healthy and blessed day for you, your family, and friends!

In celebration of this day, as well as a nod to any readers who may have participated in musical theater, be it high school, college or regional, myself, I was involved both in my sophmore as well as my senior year in high school, "Our Town" (part of the chorus) and in "Godspell" (castmember). One of my fondest memories was in performing the musical of "Godspell" with its' great songs and inspiring message.   

There are so many songs to choose from and I debated between the opening song of "Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord" and the finale, but I chose this song which is within the movie, titled "Bless The Lord". I hope you enjoy it. 
Soulful Saturday GOKI Readers, I hope all is well, and that everyone who has been preparing for their holidays this week are not experiencing any delays or setbacks to their final destinations.

April 23 & 24, 2011 Brain Boost Tip Of The Day


Focus on what you love about your life and your emotional brain fires up. You are more coordinated. Write out five things you're grateful for today. Focus on what is making you feel lucky and good about your life. This trains your brain to focus on the love and pleasant experiences in your life. Do it long enough and you'll effectively create a positive groove in your brain that will create ripple effects in your life.  

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Here is a video to help you in expressing your gratitude.
Good Friday GOKI Readers, for all my readers who are of the Christian faith, and who today may have attended church services to commemorate the Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, I wanted to share with you this video of a renditon of the Prayer Of St. Francis, better known as, Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace.

There have been many versions made of this song by various artists, however, I was looking for one with the lyrics added, which, I believe, are so pertinent to the times we are living in now, possibly more than ever before.

Take a moment to contemplate the words as they show on your screen and reflect their significance in your own life; should this at all resonate with you, do share this with your family and friends, even with those you are not so friendly with.
After all, is that not what this day truly means, if we are to call ourselves Christians? 
Friendly Friday GOKI Readers, and Happy Earth Day to you.
As an inhabitant of this planet we call Earth, are you doing anything, big or small, to keep it "green"?
Do you have any tips to share with the other readers? If so, please take a moment to add a comment.

April 22, 2011 Brain Boost Tip Of The Day


According to Daniel G. Amen, MD, author of Making a Good Brain Great, every thought releases brain chemicals. Positive, happy, hopeful, optimistic, joyful thoughts produce yummy chemicals that create a sense of well being and help your brain function at peak capacity; unhappy, miserable, negative, dark thoughts have the opposite effect, effectively slowing down your brain and even creating depression. If you tend to focus on what can go wrong, or what is wrong, or how unhappy you are, or how someone hurt you, these negative thoughts can dim your brain's capacity to function. It saps the brain of its positive forcefulness. Dr. amen suggests writing out negative thoughts to dispel their power over your brain. 
As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Check out this video with tips for positive thinking. 
Thoughtful Thursday GOKI Readers, today's post will be short and sweet.

April 21, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


Foods rich in B12 include poultry, milk, and other fortified dairy products, clams, liver, beef, oysters, crab, and tuna. Vegetarians may need supplemental vitamins.

As Always, To Your Health!

 P.S.  Here is a video about vitamin B12.
Wise Wednesday GOKI Readers, well here we are at the middle of the work week, so affectionately called "hump-day", as well as the middle of "Holy Week", which actually started this past Sunday, for all my readers who are Christians, with Palm Sunday, and today for those of you who are Jewish, with Passover.
My question is: Are you doing anything special for this Religious Holiday?
As the remainder of this week goes on, and as we all know, today's lives are generally filled with so many other obligations, that often time, what was always referred to as Holy Days of Obligation, and one was always expected to attend the services that corresponded with the Holiday, now is becoming increasingly more difficult to follow.
The sad fact is also, with more churches have closed down, whether due to lower attendance, financial hardship (due to smaller donations), or a general lack of faith, it is not clear this year, moreso than previous years how many believers will be attending church services this week.
I  apologize to my readers for this off-topic comment, but I believe that I needed to at least give a nod to what for many folks is an important part of their lives, the ability to profess their faith(s), especially this week.

April 20, 2011 Health Tip Of The Day


Loaded with cancer fighting antioxidants, kale is, literally, one of the healthiest foods in the vegetable kingdom. Together with its cousin, broccoli, kale offers strong protection against cancer and other diseases, Kale and other Brassica vegetables contain a potent glucosinolate phytonutrient, which actually boosts your body's detoxification enzymes clearing potentially carcinogenic substances more quickly from your body. More common members of the prestigious Brassica family of vegetables include: cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collards, mustard greens, rapini, bok choy, and broccoli rabe. With so many choices, take advantage of having one variety each day of the week.   

As Always, To Your Health!  

P.S.  I regret to say I could not post a video here as usual do to technical difficulties with YouTube, did anyone else have this same problem today?      
Thoughtful Tuesday GOKI Readers, I hope your week is going well so far. Today's post is my ongoing mission to share with you health tips on a daily basis, provided by my desk calender titled: 365 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power, written by Carolyn Dean, M.D., Valentine Dmitriev, Ph.D., and Donna Raskin.

April 19, 2011 Brain Boost Tip Of The Day


Trivia games can be a marvelous way to see how good you are  at jogging your memory. When you're digging around in those dusty corners of your mind to dig up the answer, your brain synapses will be firing, ruffling through your mental files. It's even fair to buy a game, read all the answer cards and then test how good you are at remembering something freshly learned. Read the cards often and play against yourself to see how much you improve.

As Always, To Your Health!

P.S.  Go ahead and try out a game now!